Booking Enquiry - Ayurvedic Consultation

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Ayurvedic Wellness Consultation

One to one detailed consultation*

60min  –  £120    Follow up 30min  – £75

Online/Phone/Skype consultation available


Health conditions can be dealt effectively, only if properly diagnosed. No two person’s diseases or symptoms can be alike. Therefore, in Ayurveda we look every individual as unique. Ayurveda program have to be specially designed to help an individual’s health conditions. No single program can be a help for all persons.

As the healing approach in Ayurveda is strictly individualistic, the healing of the mind/body problems varies from person to person. Hence along with the disease, the diseased also should be thoroughly assessed. It is also important to assess the health in a normal person to prevent the occurrence of diseases.

We offer comprehensive Ayurvedic Personal Consultations with our highly qualified Ayurvedic Practitioners prior to any therapy.

A short Life style consultation is free with our Ayurvedic therapies..

What can I expect from an Ayurvedic Consultation at Green Ayurveda Spa?

On Arrival:

When you arrive for the first time at Green Ayurveda Spa, we offer a complimentary herbal tea of your choice and a consultation form to fill which includes:

  • Your personal details
  • Current medical illness
  • Past medical illness
  • Any allergies (Food, Drugs, Environmental etc)
  • Any Medications
  • Family medical history
  • Any recent operations or accidents
  • Any history of depression or severe trauma (physical or emotional)
  • Current lifestyle and daily routines
  • Current diet and eating habits
  • Relationships
  • Menstrual cycles and pregnancies (if female).

If you are not really sure why you have come (it does happen sometimes!), or don’t have any particular concerns, don’t worry, as after your consultation, we can guide your body’s specific needs.

Once you have completed the form, one our Ayurvedic Doctor will do your Ayurvedic Assessment this includes:

  • Pulse analysis (Nadi pareeksha) to assess the rhythm, movement and strength of your pulse. This gives us an intricate view of your energy, dosha balance/imbalance and the type of doshas (body type) involved.
  • Tongue analysis, this will give us the information on the absorption of iron, about your digestion, general metabolism, and the accumulation of various types of ama (toxins, waste products) in your system.
  • Your eyes are checked to see their colour, shape, movement and shine.
  • Your skin surface is felt to assess whether it is soft/dry, rough/smooth, cold/warm, clammy/moist or oily
  • Your breathing is observed; this will give us the information on your stress levels.
  • Your chakras and aura are assessed to find out your physical, mental, and emotional interactions because they are the openings for life energy.
  • Assessment of your energy blockage, health issues, current imbalances (physical or emotional).

This complete assessment will help us to determine:

Your Prakruti (Your Unique Body Type). This will be Vata, Pitta, Kapha or any combination of the doshas.

Your Vikruti (current doshic imbalance).

Understanding of your mind-body type helps us to understand who you are and your uniqueness and helps the practitioners to make a plan that is most personalized for the unique ‘YOU’.

 What benefits will I get from this Ayurvedic consultation?

You will have a better picture of your body types and current imbalances (physical, mental, spiritual and emotional).

Advice on your personal diet, daily routines, seasonal regimens and Ayurveda Health Food Supplements.

Advice on yoga poses, exercise, meditation, and Pranayama breath practices.

Advice on healthier life style.

Detoxification and healing therapies recommendations which may include: Chakra balancing massage, Kundalini awakening massage, distress therapy or Panchakarma detoxification.

When you leave us, you can also expect a consultation report via email with recommended follow up Ayurveda-Yoga Program within 7 days.

Follow Up Consultations:

Depending on your particular health conditions, you may be advised to have a follow up consultation in the future around 12 weeks or six months after your initial consultation or after the completion of a recommended course of Ayurveda-Yoga program.

Your progress will be reviewed and further advice given based on this assessment.

Understanding of Ayurveda services and Programs at Green Ayurveda Spa.

Intention of Program:

  • To educate you about your individual constitution and assist you in bringing yourself back to balance and harmony with the laws of nature.
  • As you begin to move towards balance, you become more conscious and your natural, innate intelligence wakes-up, you begin to naturally make choices that are nurturing, healing, and balancing.
  • You will be educated and empowered to take charge of your own health and begin to develop the awareness to bring balance and health to each moment of your life, restoring you to your true joyful nature and present to the beauty and magic of life.

Ayurveda is not about instantaneous results,

  • Although you may see some immediate benefits. In accordance with the laws of nature, it will take time to gently restore full balance.
  • Life is dynamic and we are part of life. We continually need to modify our lifestyle to the changing seasons, emotions, stresses etc. to achieve balance.
  • Ayurveda is not a passive form of therapy but rather asks everyone to take responsibility for his or her own daily living.
  • Using the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda we will educate, empower, and support you as a dynamic individual, but it is up to you to bring this into your daily life.
  • It is a simple, natural science that takes time, as it takes time for the stream to wear the stone smooth, but gently, over time it changes form completely.
  • It is amazing the difference a small adjustment in your diet or lifestyle can make to create greater well-being.
  • Green Ayurveda is excited and honoured to assist you in discovering your uniqueness and create a balanced life with radiant health and a peaceful mind.

*Disclaimer: Ayurvedic Practitioners or doctors at Green Ayurveda Spa are “Not Licenced NHS Medical doctors”  they are Ayurveda Educators who provides  with information on the Ayurvedic approach to health care, which may affect your diet and health in a positive way. Ayurvedic medicine is a well established and integrated system of medicine in India and other countries. ‘Doctor of Ayurvedic medicine’ is a recognised professional qualification holding a Bachelor degree in Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery (BAMS). This should not be confused with conventional ‘Medical Doctor,’ recognised by General Medical Council in UK. Ayurvedic Doctors offer health advice within the scope of Ayurvedic medicine and it is not intended to replace the advice by a medical doctor or medical supervision.

Unit 452, Birch Park, Street 7, Thorp Arch Trading Estate, Wetherby, West Yorkshire, LS23 7FG

Monday - Saturday | 8am - 8pm
Sunday Closed

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